Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fishing the Grand River with Terry

The Grand River is one of the more well known Rivers in Ontario. Terry sent this video of a day on the water. Video number two for Terry, nice music selection, your getting fancy now!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bull trout in Montana

A great video from the guys at Switchfly, the guys were heading out to get a monster brown, but all they got was a 25" bull trout, tisk, tisk. Great video and great fish! The guys at Switchfly have some of the best videos on the net!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On the Saugeen with Terry

Thanks for the contributon Terry, Looks to me like a brookie. Saugeen River, Ont. CANADA

May Fly Hatch - Brook Trout

Every Spring the rivers, lakes, and deadwaters in Nova Scotia have a large hatch of may flies. This drives the fish nuts! Mark sent us in another nice video for a great looking deadwater. Check it out! Eastern Shore, Nova Scotia CANADA

Spring Salmon - Cape Breton NS

Spring salmon sent in by Cape Breton Fly Fishing Adventures. Spring salmon are an accidental bycatch while fishing for brook trout in Cape Breton in the early season. If you have never made the trip for some native Atlantic salmon put it on your "to do" list for the fall. Ed at Cape Breton Fly Fishing can put you on some great water, drop them a line! Great underwater footage, keep it coming!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Alberta Trout Highway

Nice little video of a trip to Nordegg Alberta. Footage from the North Ram River, Blackstone River.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bull Trout 1, Aberta CANADA

Nice fish, Two video sent to us by some guys in Alberta, CANADA. Fishing for Bull Trout early in the season. What a great looking river! What did you get this guy on?

Brook Trout, Nova Scotia CANADA

This clip was sent in by Mark, some great brook tour action in the early spring. Great video, great music, fast action! Check it out!!

Send In Your Videos!

Want to send us a video? Good idea! We are alway looking for new content. FlyVids will post your videos for the world to see. FlyVids will soon be part of a Web TV show compiling the shows made up of content sent to us! Monthly and randomly we will be holding contest with content requests and great prizes!

Send us you links below in the comments section or email to hatcherphil@gmail.com

phil - FlyVids

Disclaimer for video submissions - Please be sure that the material you send us is yours, and not someone else's. Please be sure the material is not copyrighted and/or stolen from another web site. You must be fully aware that by sending us your material through the e-mail or comments, you are in effect releasing us from any legal ramifications that may arise from the public display of the images in question. We have the right to not accept, drop, remove or disqualify your contribution without any further explanation. We aquire the right to replay this content by any means we want.

Welcome to FLYVIDS

Finnally a site devoted to flyfishing! A site for the new age fly fisherman. In this new day and age you can't get away with "fishing stories". The digital age make grabing a video clip of your big catch a snap! This is the place you want your videos, tell you friends, "yes I caught a 24inch brown trout, and yes the video is on FLYVIDS!". Send us your videos and stories and win free gear!